The scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal Clinical and Experimental Morphology was founded in 2011.

eISSN: 2686-6749      ISSN: 2226-5988

Aim of the journal is to provide informational support for the fundamental biomedical research of morphological orientation and innovative developments in this area, especially in connection with clinical practice.

Scope of the journal includes experimental and clinical studies in the fields of pathological anatomy, modeling of socially significant human diseases, biomedical technologies, cell biology, cytology, histology, and embryology. In order to enhance professional skills of the specialists working in these fields, the journal regularly features leading-edge articles, lectures and reviews on the achievements of contemporary functional morphology in Russia and worldwide, as well as practical observations and implementations of modern morphological research approaches in experimental and clinical settings. The journal scope also covers organization of the pathological anatomy service in Russia and international best practices in this area, as well as news and outcomes of Russian and international conferences and meetings held by scientific communities of experimental and clinical morphologists. The journal is targeted at specialists affiliated with research and clinical institutions, including medical and biological universities, working and upgrading their qualifications in the fields of pathological anatomy, histology, cytology, and cell biology.

Editorial Board of the Clinical and Experimental Morphology is devoted to the ethical standards adopted by Russian and international scientific communities and guided by current recommendations and regulatory requirements available from public sources:

The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of science should be published (since December 1, 2015).
The corresponding specialities by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (VAK) include:
1.5.22 – cell biology,
3.3.2 – pathological anatomy

The journal is included in:

  • Scopus;
  • Rossiyskiy index nauchnogo citirovaniya (РИНЦ);
  • RSCI WoS
  • online platform of the Russian Science Citation Index database

Subscription index in the catalogs of the ARZI Agency and the Ural-Press Agency 70045

Founded by FSBSI “Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery”
119435, Moscow, Abrikosovsky lane, 2

Published by MDV Group